Wolverton Primary School


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The PTA work hard throughout the year to raise vital funds to support all of the children’s learning and enjoyment whilst at school. 

Our dedicated volunteers run regular fundraising events for both children and parents to get involved in, such as film nights, discos, fairs, raffles and a 100 club.

Since April 2020, the PTA have been running a dedicated campaign to raise £10,000 to contribute towards the development of technology resources in the school and with enormous support from parents, teachers, friends of the school and local businesses we were delighted to achieve this target in February 2023.  This incredible amount, raised by the PTA, supported the school in upgrading IT server, wifi and whiteboard facilities that all our children benefit from to support their learning.

Money raised by the PTA also pays for class pets, presents for our school leavers in year 6 and classroom resources for all classes.

If you would like to know more about the PTA or would like to help with the organization of events and fundraising, ideas and volunteers are always warmly welcomed! Please contact a member of the committee:

Emily Stephens & Emily Evans - Chairperson 

Sophie Dahlmann – Treasurer 

Sarah Hastings – Secretary 

Sarah Davies – 100 Club 


Ways to help us fundraise!

You can help us fundraise in a variety of different ways, often simply by making a few clicks!


Donate your used clothing in the yellow Air Ambulance bin located at the front of the school.


The fastest way to name all of your child’s belongings!  Use the code CV358JN online to earn up to 20% commission .

Click here to shop


Raise donations for Wolverton School PTA – Warwick whenever you shop online!

Click here for details