Class 4
Welcome to Years 5 & 6!
Our curriculum
We have a fun packed and interesting programme covering two years. Please have a look at Class 4's Rolling Programme and Subject Coverage Maps under the 'Curriculum' tab.
This year we will be learning...
Have a closer look at this term...
Children will have PE every Monday and Wednesday, so please ensure children come in to school dressed in the appropriate kit on the correct days. The children also take part in a Forest Schools session on alternate Tuesday afternoons.
Supporting your child at home
Homework is set half-termly via Class Dojo, with a selection of tasks for the children to choose from. It gives the children the opportunity to share the interesting things they have learnt that week with you and develop their learning further. Please send completed homework projects to school or photos to Mrs Horton via your portfolio on Class Dojo.
Please contact Mrs Horton if you need any additional resources or support with homework.
- 20 minutes daily with discussion around the text being the crucial element.
- 20 minutes at least once per week on Read Theory.
- 20 minutes at least once per week on Times Table Rock Stars.
Further information: