Class 2
Welcome to Years 1 and 2!
Supporting your child's learning at home
Homework is set half-termly with a selection of tasks for the children to choose from. It gives the children the opportunity to share the interesting things they have learnt that week with you and develop their learning further. Please contact Mrs Horton if you need any additional resources or support with homework.
Please send your child to school with their book bag every day.
Year 1 phonics reading record activities will consolidate your child’s learning in class and give them the opportunity to show you their new skills. Reading books are also closely linked to their phonics learning in school.
Reading books
Each week the children bring home a class library book for you to enjoy together. When the children are ready they will also bring home reading books that they can read to their family.
Please return reading books and library books to school on a Wednesday. New books will be given out the same day.
Each child has their own account on Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars. The games and challenges help to build the children’s speed and confidence in working with numbers.
Class Dojo
Please share photos for Show and Tell sessions and the wonderful things the children have made for their homework via Class Dojo. The children love the opportunity to talk about their interests and successes outside of school and a photo brings it to life! Show and tell sessions will be on a Friday afternoon.
You can also message Mrs Ashley or Mrs Horton directly with any questions you may have.
We have PE sessions on Thursday and Friday. Please can children come to school in their PE kit. PE kit is blue or black shorts or jogging bottoms, white PE t-shirt, blue school jumper and trainers/pumps.
Please send your child to school with a water bottle each day.
The children have a choice of fruits and vegetables each day. They are also able to have a drink of milk or water. Children under 5 are entitled to free milk, and others may purchase milk; parents are required to sign up for this via the Coolmilk website.